Product description: Solidax was developed by a US
company in 2003. It is based on Synephrine, Picolinate and
Pyrovate to suppress appetite and to increase the metabolic
rate and caloric expenditure, without having the negative
central nervous effects of comparable medications. Through
its stimulation of specific adrenergic receptors (beta-3,
but not beta-1, beta-2 or alpha-1) Solidax is stimulating
fat metabolism without the cardiovascular side effects
experienced by some patients using medicaments stimulating
beta-adrenergic receptors. The effect of the ingredients
contained in Solidax have been proven in controlled
laboratory human weight loss studies: (American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition 56:630-635, 55:771-776)
The Weight Loss Institute has rated Solidax to be the best
product currently available on the market.
Dosage: One capsule of Solidax ADX should be taken
three times a day.
Side effects: No serious side effects have been